meet the chatters


So often I am asked WHO are these influential industry tweeps chatting it up every Wednesday at #PrintChat… so I figured why not let you answer for yourselves!

If you attend #PrintChat on a regular basis, answer the following questions briefly, and send them to me. Think of this as a way to get some great exposure, make new connections, and of course as a BIG THANK YOU for joining us each week!

Remember this is social media so let your personalities shine through! Community bonus points always awarded for creativity and fun! #PrintChat-ter profiles can be found in the drop down, or here!


Q1: Who are you, and what do you do?

Q2: When did you know you were hooked on print?

Q3: What industry trends should we be watching this year?

Q4: What are three resources for awesome industry info – besides PrintMediaCentr of course!

Q5: Why do you #PrintChat? Why should others join in?

Q6: How can people connect with you?