Perfecting The 21st Century Catalog

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We welcome your comments to the questions asked during the chat. Here is the info in its original tweet format. Please include A1, A2 etc for the Q# you are answering so we can follow along.

Where are opportunities for catalogs in the digital era? What should/could they be doing better and can we help?
Guest Host @sandyhubbard

Q1. What do printed catalogs do well?
Q1a, Aside from the power of print, what specifically can a catalog do?

Q2. Catalogs are well suited for the luxury and business demographic. Where else can they be successful?

Q3. Are any of the sectors you serve currently using catalogs. If not, why not?

Q4. What could catalogs do better?

Q5. If you had a client who wanted to produce a catalog on a regular basis, what technology and processes would make it stand out?
Q5a. IF PRICE WERE NO ISSUE, what could you do to make a catalog really dazzle, AND be a moneymaker?

Q6.  Regarding variable printing, if a client wanted to produce a small, targeted catalog using digital printing, how would you advise them?

Q7. If you’ve ever ordered from a catalog or online, what WENT WELL and what was HORRIBLE?
Q7a. We’ve talked about the things we dislike about catalogs and buying online – how would we help change those things for the better for our client?

Q8. How can we help our customers build LOYALTY and increase REPEAT BUSINESS using PRINT? (Catalogs or otherwise)