#PrintChat Profile: Tod Cordill

#PrintChat Profile: Tod Cordill

Q1: Who are you, and what do you do? My name is Tod Cordill. I run a one-man marketing company in Portland Oregon. I’m all about strategy and integrating communications across all channels, online and offline, email, direct mail, social media, your website. They all need to work together. While I have worked with some specific cross-media marketing products (here’s a plug for Mindfire and EasyPURL), most of my time now is spent helping smaller companies define business goals and develop marketing programs that help them get there.

Q2: When did you know you were hooked on print? When I married a printer. I actually worked in digital marketing services at a printing company for a year or two but have been around print for decades. But I’m not really hooked on print any more or any less than other forms of communication like email marketing and social media, although there’s nothing like literally getting into the hands of your prospects. Different goals and different audiences require different channels, but the best results happen when they work together.

Q3: What industry trends should we be watching this year? A long term trend is measuring marketing results and funneling marketing spend into what performs better. It will keep getting easier to measure results across multiple channels (direct mail, email, website, online advertising, social media) all the way through the sales process and customer life cycle.

I keep waiting for Augmented Reality to break out, but it is still too fragmented and too many apps required. If Google and Apple were to standardize on an AR platform mobile devices will truly become the bridge between the digital and real world.

Q4: What are three resources for awesome industry info – besides PrintMediaCentr of course! Seriously, who needs anything more? But if I must, there’s a lot of active LinkedIn groups, something for everything B2B. Being more into integration than any one channel, I like what Content Management Institute and MarketingProfs puts out, as well as content from marketing automation vendors.

Q5: Why do you #PrintChat? Why should others join in? I find #PrintChat an enjoyable experience. Yes, fun. It’s also a way to keep in touch with the printing industry. For the most part I’m on the outside looking in so it’s a good way to learn different perspectives. It is also a way to keep in contact with some of the people I met the brief time I was inside the industry.

Q6: How can people connect with you? I always lead with LinkedIn (www.linkedin.com/in/todcordill), but @todcordill on Twitter is great for casual connections. You can always find me via my company website: www.modernostrategies.com.